The Journey of Resistance Through Music in Palestine: Slingshot Hip Hop

“You want me to go to the law? What for? You’re the Witness, the Lawyer, and the Judge!” says the Arab-Israeli hip hop band DAM, referring to the injustice Palestinians facing. Like the other hip hop bands in the region, DAM uses its melodies and lyrics as a form non-violent weapon. To get out the anger, to start a new form of resistance or simply to keep the youth away from extremism, hip hop seems to be the right way in the Palestinian journey.

In her film Slingshot Hiphop, Saloum tells us the story of hip hop bands in different regions of Palestine and Arab cities of Israel. All bands seen in the film live close to each other but most of them are not allowed to travel outside their city. Through music, they transcend the borders and get permission to perform concerts in other cities and get a chance to meet other hip hop bands. Even though the occupation leaves too little room for creative expressions of resistance, hip hop invents a new path by combining the history of the conflict, music and the daily life which is always affected by politics.

The documentary has a smooth but multidimensional narrative: One minute it feels like a Palestine- Israel introduction class with illustration of the map with the refugee camps, the other it is an MTV reality show revealing different music bands. Succesful on entertaining and educating at the same time, the film makes you feel what is it like to be there.

Slingshot Hophop is an eye opener to see what is going on behind the scenes and between the lines in Palestine while following the rappers, you will see collapse of stereotypes about Palestinian youth, family life and of course music. And it is going to remind you one more time: There is always hope for justice.

Interview with Jackie Reem Saloum

Saloum shows us Palestine from a different angle with Slingshot Hip Hop. We talked about how music became a medium for resistance for the new Palestinian generation, and how to break the stereotypes of Arabs.

In Slingshot Hip Hop we see a portrait of Palestine and Palestinian youth that is different from what we are used to. Why did you choose this way to talk about a country which is usually only discussed in terms of its politics?

The Israeli occupation of Palestine, which has been going on for 60 years, is especially restrictive on the lives of young people, and kills their hopes. The rap groups that I discovered in 2002 are using music as a means of resistance. The way that the occupation and resistance affects the young generation’s life is usually ignored. Slingshot Hip Hop tries to show young people, music and resistance blended with the details of daily life.

One of the interesting points about the movie was the way it changed the perceived image of Arabs, and showed the meaning of women, family and hip hop in Palestinian society. How did you manage to capture these details?

The filming took 5 years, and we shot 700 hours of video. Since my mother is Palestinian, I am familiar with the social structure of Palestine and I wanted to show how different it is from how it is presented in the media. The fact that people of all ages come to the rap concerts, the support that musicians get from their families, the expressive force of the women – these things have usually been kept in the background of Palestine case. I tried to express these details, which actually form the basis of the resistance, together with the new medium of this resistance, the music.

Slingshot Hip Hop will be screened at AFM CEPA in Ankara (Eskişehir Road, across the street from METU) on 1 March, 2009 at 19h00

Filistin’de Sapan ve Hip Hop

Filistinli bir anne ve Suriyeli bir baba; Amerika’da başlayıp devam ederken, sık sık Filistin’le kesişen bir yaşam. 2005 !f Film Festivali’nde Planet of Arabs (Araplar Gezegeni) filmiyle Araplarla ilgili kalıpyargıları sorgulayan Jackie Reem Saloum, bu kez Sapan ve Hip Hop filmiyle yine !f film festivalinde.

Filistin’in farklı bölgelerinde eşzamanlı gelişen hip hop ve rap müziğin nasıl bir direniş aracına dönüştüğünü anlatan film, diyasetin gölgesinde kalan Filistin’de günlük hayatın detaylarını gözler önüne sererek izleyiciyi şaşırtmayı başarıyor.

İsrail işgali yüzünden birbirlerini yalnızca videolar ve internet aracılığıyla görebilen rap gruplarının tanışmalarına aracı olan yönetmen, hem Filistinli hem Amerikalı oluşu ve bu kimliğin ürettiği bakış açısıyla Ortadoğu ve Batı arasında da bir köprü işlevi üstleniyor.

Filmin hikayesi Jackie’nin 2002’de ilk kez bir radyoda duyduğu, İsrail’de yaşayan Filistinli rap grubu DAM’i keşfedişiyle başlıyor. DAM’in Filistinlilerin acılarını, umutlarını, direnişlerini müzik yoluyla anlatmasından çok etkilenerek, Gazze ve Batı Şeria’daki diğer hip hop gruplarını buluyor. 4.5 sene süren çekimler boyunca defalarca Filistin’e gidip geliyor ve bu süreçte kendi Filistinli kimliğiyle yeniden tanışıyor ve onu yeniden üretiyor.

Herşeye rağmen ayakta kalmaya çalışan Filistinliler gibi, Saloum da tüm olumsuzluklara rağmen pozitifliğini korumaya çabalıyor. Filistinlilerin bu yeni müzik tarzına tepkilerini ve gündelik hayatlarını 60 yıllık işgalin farklı alanlardaki yansımalarıyla harmanlyarak, alışık olmadığımız bir Filistin portresi ortaya koyuyor.

Filistin’deki zulmün dayanılmaz boyutlara ulaşmasıyla zaman zaman umutuzluğa düşen Saloum, herşeye rağmen birşeyler yapabilmenin gücünü ve umuda katkısını bir kez daha kanıtlıyor; Sapan ve Hip Hop’la hem güldürüp hem ağlatarak izleyicinin kalbini kazanıyor ve kendimize bir kez daha sormamıza yola çıyor: “Ben ne yapabilirim, nereden başlayabilirim?”

Slingshot Hip Hop (Sapan ve Hip Hop) İstanbul’da 20 Şubat Cuma saat 13:00’te AFM Fitaş Beyoğlu’nda, Ankara’da 1 Mart Pazar saat 19:00’da AFM CEPA’da (Eskişehir Yolu 7. Km) izlenebilir.

Photographs from ‘Follow the Women’ bring message of hope

A collection of photographs focusing on daily life in the Middle East by Turkish photographers Ayşin Özer Başkır, Şirin Çizmeci, Serap Ertüzün, Selma Şevkli and Ela Esra Günad is now on display at İstanbul’s Cemal Reşit Rey Concert Hall.

The five photographers are members of Follow the Women (FTW), an international organization that has been conducting cultural and social youth exchange projects for more than 30 years. FTW was founded under the leadership of Detta Regan, who traveled to the Middle East as a teacher and drew attention to the situation of women and children in the region using her bicycle as a tool. The organization brings together women from all around the world and since 2004 around 500 women have cycled across the Middle East every year, hoping to contribute to peace efforts in the region, FTW Turkey coordinator Günad says in an interview with Today’s Zaman.

Starting from Lebanon, women from 30 different countries traverse the 300 kilometer road stretching across Syria and Jordan and into Palestine, Günad explains. “Our objective is to create public interest in the region for sustained peace. We observe that the group that is most affected by the conflicts in the region are women and children. We primarily want to emphasize this. In order to share the experiences of the people in these countries and support them, we organize this cycling event every year,” she adds. The women go to villages, refugee camps and bombed and decimated residential areas to see how daily life continues in these places.

Featuring 45 images from last year’s journey, the collection that is currently on display emphasizes the fact that life goes on in the Middle East in spite of the harsh conditions people must deal with in order to survive. “Their daily lives still continue in the places that include traces from the occupations, under the control of the armies and among the ruins. In every frame, you see a story showing you how to go on with life. Unfortunately, peace cannot be achieved [merely by] signing cease-fire arrangements,” she says, underlining that in addition to peace there must also be efforts to create better conditions in the region. “You will see people in this exhibition who do not lose their hope for peace.”

“Recently we learned from the press that the check points [in the Occupied Palestinian Territories] are being shut down, which means access to basic human needs, such as water, food and medicine, is blocked. Sometimes they wait four or more hours at the control doors to pass in order to go to school or to their jobs. If they are lucky that day, they can pass through, but they never know what will happen the next day. Sometimes after waiting many hours they go back to their homes,” Günad explains, pointing out that they wanted to share their experiences in the region with Turkish citizens this year.

FTW increases its membership numbers every year with new contributors from all around the world. It is not necessary to be a professional cyclist, Günad says, citing the example of a Turkish woman who joined them from Diyarbakır after learning how to ride a bicycle from an 11-year-old child. Whoever wants to contribute to efforts for peace in the Middle East can contact FTW at

The exhibition in the Cemal Reşit Rey Concert Hall foyer will run through Feb. 25.

11 February 2009, Wednesday

Follow the Women 2008 Kadınları İzle

2-15 Mayıs 2008 tarihlerinde Türkiye’den 20, dünyanın 30 ülkesinden 400 kadar kadın Lübnan’dan başlayarak Suriye ve Ürdün’den geçerek bisikletle Filistin’e gittik.

Gittiğimiz her ülkede, her şehirde, her köyde, türkülerle danslarla karşılandık. Ev sahipleri misafirleri, misafirler de ev sahiplerini çok sevdi. Amacımız bir tıkla barışı getirmek değildi tabii ki. Ama Ortadoğu’nun, Filistin’in ihtiyacı olan manevi desteğe katkıda bulunmaktı, yanınızdayız demekti, ilk elden oraları tanımak, tanışmaktı. Oradaki insanların da yaşamak ve mutlu olmak için bizim kadar haklarını olduğunu görmek ve göstermekti.

Amacımıza ulaşmak için ilk adımı attık. Kendimize ve çevremize, oralara gidilebileceğini kanıtladık. Herkesin yapabileceği birşeyler var, çok şey var. Tüm seyahat boyunca tuttuğum günlüğü yakında yayınlayacağım, o zamana kadar seyahatin fotoğraflarına şuradan bakabilirsiniz.

20 ordinary women from Turkey, and 400 others from 30 different countries of the world, cycled from Lebanon to Palestine by passing through Jordan and Syria, on the dates between 2-15 May, 2008.

Every country, every city, and every little town we went to, people welcomed us with sincerity and warmness. The hosts liked the guests and the guests liked the hosts. We knew that peace wouldn’t come with a simple bike ride, with just one click. But we also knew that peace was long process that requires many people’s efforts in different forms for a long time.

Our aim was to support the Middle East, Palestine, tell them that we were with them, meet them and make simple connections. Our aim was to see and show that people there has the right to live and be happy just like us.

We made the first step to reach our goals, we proved to ourselves and others that it is safe, fun and neccessary to go to the Middle East, to learn about Middle East. Everybody can do something to change the world, there is just too much to do. And the things you do, is never small…

I will publish my diary that I wrote during the trip, until then you can see the photos of the trip at

Türkiye’den 21 kadın bisikletle Filistin’e gidiyor!




Ortadoğu’da yıllardır süren mevcut istikrarsızlık, özellikle kadınlar ve çocuklar üzerinde olumsuz etkiler yaratmaya devam ediyor. Uyuşmazlık bölgesi olarak algılanan Orta Dogu’da yaşayan kadınların, günlük hayatlarını serbestçe tartışabilmeleri için bir platform yaratmayı ve barış sürecinde kadınların aktif şekilde rol almasını teşvik etmeyi amaçlayan FTW (Follow the Women ) organizasyonu ile her yıl 30 ülkeden yaklaşık 500 kadın barış için 296 km pedal çeviriyor .

2004’ten beri yoğun bir ilgiyle devam eden projeye katılan dünya kadınları, bu yıl 2-15 Mayıs 2008 tarihleri arasında Beyrut’tan (Lübnan) yola çıkıyor. Özellikle Ortadoğu’da süren sıcak çatışmalarda ve bölgesel savaşlarda zarar gören kadın ve çocukların yaşadıkları acılar ve etkilerine karşı dünyada “farkındalık” yaratmaya çalışan organizasyona, Türkiye’den ise farklı yaş ve meslek grubundan 21 kadın katılıyor.

İngiltere’de Uluslararası Gençlik Çalışma Danışmanlığı yapan Detta Regan’ın yaratıcısı olduğu ve koordinatörlüğünü yürüttüğü projeye katılan dünya kadınlarının hedefi, dünya basının desteğiyle dikkatleri Ortadoğu’ya çekmek ve bölgede sivillerin güvenli bir biçimde gezebildiğini dünya kamuoyuna kanıtlamak.

Suriye, Ürdün ve Lübnan’ın first ladylerinin desteklediği organizasyona 21 kişilik Türk FTW ekibi ise Emine Erdoğan’ın sponsorluğunda katılıyor. Ekibin malzeme sponsorluğunu ise Sedona Bisiklet yapıyor.
Ortadoğu’da yapılacak bu yıl ki barış turuna, Türk FTW ekibi, geçtiğimiz günlerde aynı amaçla yola çıkan, ancak Gebze’de vahşice öldürülen İtalyan sanatçı Pippa Bacca’nın Bahar KORÇAN imzalı temsili gelinliğini de götürecek. Pippa Bacca’nın Ortadoğu’daki barış yolculuğu, bu kez barış için pedal çeviren Türk kadınları tarafından tamamlanacak.

Türk FTW ekibi 2 Mayıs (Cuma) gecesi saat 23.30’da Atatürk Havalimanı’ndan Beyrut’a doğru yola çıkacak . Arzu eden basın mensupları 2 Mayıs gecesi 20.30’da havalanında buluşacak olan Türk ekibinden toplu fotoğraf ve görüşlerini alabilir.

Proje ile ilgili genel bilgi için adresini ziyaret edebilirsiniz.


Asiye Duman
Aysin Özer Baskir
Betül Topal
Ceren Kuscuoglu
Ceren Yucelen
Duygu Doğan
Ela Esra Gunad
Emek Turkan Eren
Hazal Oztetikler
Mehtap Tatar
Merve Hoşgelen
Müge Çavdar
Nazli Benan Özkaya
Nilüfer Demir
Nurcan Volkan
Fatma Seda Gökçe
Selma Şevkli
Serap Ertuzun
Şirin Çizmeci
Taçlan Topal
Pinar Sayın

Birzeit University 2008 Summer Camp

Birzeit University is proud to announce the convening of its annual International Summer Work Camp for 2008.

July 24, 2008 – August 4, 2008

Each year, since 1981, Birzeit University has organized this two-week long camp which gives international students an opportunity to work side by side with Palestinian students on community-oriented volunteer projects in schools, municipalities, civil society organizations. Participants get a chance to visit a number of areas in the West Bank and Gaza Strip and participate in cultural and social events as well.

This year’s camp will include voluntary work, visits to Palestinian villages, cities, and refugee camps, opportunities to meet with Palestinian families, political and community leaders, and academics and Palestinian university students to promote the cultural exchange and sharing of information and experiences.

The general schedule of activities is below. A detailed program will be available at least two weeks prior to the start of the Work Camp.

You may apply on-line by filling-out the Application Form



The 2008 International Summer Work Camp at Birzeit University will include:

1. Volunteer Work includes planting, clean-up, and construction as per the needs of the designated communities.
2. Visits to many Palestinian Cities, Villages and Refugee Camps.
3. Lectures and meetings with Palestinian political and community leaders
4. Visits to governmental and non-governmental organizations
5. Cultural activities including films, dance and music performances.
6. Camp Fire Evening – A series of evening activities at the University camp site including lectures on different aspects of Palestinian life and culture.


$200 / participant, which is inclusive of accommodations, food and travel expenses
within the West Bank. Special activities may entail additional costs. The amount will
be collected upon your arrival to the Camp site.


Most of the camp will be held in a specially situated out door space on the Birzeit
University Campus. Participants will sleep in tents on the camp site and are requested
to bring their own sleeping bags. Alternative sleeping arrangements within various
cities may be made depending on travel time.
Birzeit University is located within walking distance (10-15 minutes) of the town of
Birzeit which offers a number of small restaurants, stores, and other useful facilities.
It is also where a number of Birzeit University students reside.
The Camp will arrange for three meals a day depending on the day’s schedule. When
the camp participants are staying at the camp-site, food will be prepared jointly by the
Be aware that the temperature during the day can be very high; while the nights may
be very cold so be sure to bring appropriate clothing.
All of the participants are expected to assist with cleaning and maintaining the camp
site. In addition, all participants are expected to respect the general rules of conduct
within Birzeit University and within the various communities that will be visited.

For more information …

please contact:

Ghada El-Omare

Community Work Program Coordinator

Student Affairs Office

Tel/Fax: + 972 2 298 2086

Year Round Volunteer Positions in Palestine

Ansar Center for Children

Location: al-Walajah. Beit Jala, Palestine.
Contact Person: Khader Al Araj
Telephone Number: 972-02-276-0031
Fax number: 972-02-276-0031 (information about calling Palestine)
Activities of the organization: educational activities for children and young adults.
Number of employees: 0 employees. 10 volunteers.
Types of volunteer opportunities available: 2 volunteers needed to help run the summer camp, 1 volunteer needed to teach English/ help write grant proposals.
Dates Volunteers Needed: Summer camp is from July to August. Volunteers accepted throughout the year.

Bethlehem Arab Society for Rehabilitation Specialized Rehabilitation and Surgery Hospital

Location: P.O.Box 100, Bethlehem | Cremisan Street, Beit Jala.

Contact Person: Mary G. Matta (Personnel Officer)
E-mail: |
Telephone Number: 972-2-274 4049 / 50 /1 /2
Fax number: 972-2-274 4053 (information about calling Palestine)
Activities of the organization: BASR is a national referral and resource medical zzrehabilitation centre that provides the Palestinian population with quality comprehensive services at all levels of service delivery (the national, the intermediate and the grassroots level), complimented by surgery and other support services.
Number of employees: 169.
Types of volunteer opportunities available: Opportunities available for doctors, nurses, radiologists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech therapists. Opportunities also available in maintenance and Internet Technical support.
Dates Volunteers Needed: Year round.

Bethlehem Peace Center

Address: P.O Box 1166, Manger Square
Telephone number: 972-2-276 6677
Fax: 972-2-274 1057 (information about calling Palestine)

Contact Person: Mr. Michael Nasser
Number of employees: 20
Types of Volunteer Opportunities: Help with events and activities
Dates Volunteers Needed: year round, flexible

Family Development Charitable Society Club for Elderly People

Address: Beit Sahour.
Telephone number: 972-2-277 4446
Fax: 972-2-277 4449 (information about calling Palestine)
Contact Person: Elen Al Qasiss
Activities/Focus of Organization: Elderly Club. Daily work with the elderly people: from cooking to cleaning and ironing.
Number of employees: 8
Volunteer opportunities available: Writing email and correspondents. Helping with PR and especially with the English Language. Helping with daily work as mentioned above.

Jemima, a Home for Handicapped Children

Address: Beit Jala/ Al- Sider Street 117
Telephone number: 972-2-275 0044
Fax: 972-2-277 7922 (information about calling Palestine)
Email: |

Contact Person: Rikko Lawers/ Nisreen Sarras
Activities/Focus of Organization: Working with children and young grown up with mental and physical restrictions, and need assistance in custodial care.
Number of employees: 42 Volunteer Opportunities: Helping with activities and care for the children. Dates Volunteers Needed: Volunteer needed from 6 months to a year

The National Charitable Society

Address: Dheisheh Refugee Camp. Bethlehem, Palestine. Telephone: 972-2-274 0304
Fax : 972-2-275 3749
Email :
Contact Person: Abed al hamed mizher
Activities/Focus of Organization: 1. Health Center project: The health center includes a number of departments and medical clinics, including: specialized clinics, the emergency clinic, x-ray, the dental clinic, a pharmacy, and a medical laboratory. 2. Cultural Center project: includes classrooms and lecture hall for workshops and lectures in methodology. 3. Charitable social projects: includes relief projects, food parcels, holiday clothing distribution and the school bag project.
Number of employees: 12 Volunteer Opportunities available: writing and formulating project proposals in English, contacting and building relations with donor institutions, opening channels of communication with international and local organizations and preperation of correspondence with representatives of international and local institutions.
Number of volunteers needed: 2
Dates Volunteers Needed: 2 months to 6 months
Comments: Please note that all tools and equipment needed for your volunteer placement will be provided by the organization. We prefer volunteers with experience in the tasks listed above and who also have experience in the health field, especially doctors.

Open Bethlehem

Address: Manger Square. Bethlehem, Palestine.
Telephone number: 970-22-777993
Fax: 970-22-740139

Contact Person: Nida Rishmawi
Activities/Focus of the Organization: Media operation, Documentation, research, tours, Events promotion. All projects combine political and tourism aspects.
Number of employees: 3 Volunteer Opportunities Available: Writing/research, IT, graphic design. Looking for volunteers with skills in these areas.
Dates Volunteers Needed: as long as possible
Comments: Open Bethlehem would like the chance to interview the volunteers beforehand as we are currently unable to absorb interns. We are looking for highly skilled people.

The Palestinian Center for Rapprochement between People

Address: Schools street, P.O Box 24. Beit Sahour, Palestine.
Telephone number: 972-2-277 2018
Fax: 972-2-277 4602

Palestine News Network

Address: Bethlehem
Telephone number: 972-2-276 6067
Fax: 972-2-276 5931 (information about calling Palestine)

Contact Person: Fadi Abu Sada
Activities/Focus of Organization: Media news agency in four languages.
Number of employees: 20
Volunteer Opportunities/Assignments: Translators and journalists
Dates Volunteers Needed: from 1 month to 2 months

Palestine Wildlife Society

Address: PO Box 89, Beit Sahour
Telephone number: 972-2-277 4750
Fax: 972-2-277 4750 (information about calling Palestine)
Email: |
Activities/Focus of Organization: 1) Monitoring of wildlife, especially bird ringing and bird watching. We operate the Jericho Wildlife Monitoring Station. Jericho is a very active in terms of bird migration. 2) Environmental Education among the schools in Palestine. 3) Promoting Eco-Tourism within Palestinian Society and 4) Combating Desertification (accredited status with the UNCCD)
Number of employees: 10
Volunteer Opportunities/Assignments: Fundraising, Multi Media, International Public Relations Dates Volunteers Needed: Year round.

Palestinian Friendship Association

Address: Wadi Maaly Nazlet Al-ain
Telephone number: 972-2-2760411
Fax: 972-2-2760411 (information about calling Palestine)
Contact Person: Ashraf Shaheen
Activities/Focus of Organization: Media, Children’s Rights, Film Making, Cinema, Media
Website. Types of projects include film making with young people, reports about Palestinian children, research about the situation of children in Palestine, Cinema, and workshops for children and young people.
Volunteer Opportunities/Assignments: Writing reports, preparing website, giving workshops, organizing workshops and activities.

Shepherds Field Hospital

Address: Beit Sahour Telephone number: 972-2-277-5092
Fax: 972-2-277-5091 (information about calling Palestine)
Contact Person: Dr. Rishmawi Rafiq
Activities/Focus of Organization: Hospital, day care center, maternity work, clinics.
Volunteer Opportunities/Assignments: Nurses, staff midways

SOS Children Village

Address: Bethlehem- El karkafa Street
Telephone number: 972-2-274 2267
Fax: 972-2-274 5179 (information about calling Palestine)
Contact Person: Nabil Elhilo
Projects: Children`s Village Volunteer Opportunities/Activities: Teaching English, Translating, helping in activities.
Dates Volunteers Needed: Year round.
Comments: The volunteer needs to be able to work well with children.

The Public Committee Services for Palestinian Refugees

Address: Azzeh Camp Bethlehem Palestine
Telephone number: 972-2-276 0360
Fax: 972-2-276 0360 (information about calling Palestine)
Email: or
Contact Person: Ahmad Alâazzeh Activities/Focus of Organization: Grassroots organizing, rehabilitation, raising awareness, employability and vocational. One current project is the “Palestinian Refugees Identity Development Enterprise” which is funded by the E.U.
Number of employees: 0 employees, just volunteers.
Volunteer Opportunities/Assignments: Basic English training, volunteer in the Camp’s kindergarten. Dates Volunteers Needed: Year round.

Women Child Care Society

Address: Beit Jala
Telephone number: 972-2-274 2507
Fax: 972-2-274 2507 (information about calling Palestine)
Contact Person: Lydis Araj
Activities/Focus of Organization: Social activities for women and children, embroidery, summer camps. There are two programs within the summer camp, one for children ages 6 to 12 and another for children ages 12 to 16.
Number of employees: 6 Volunteer Opportunities/Assignments: Helping in Summer Camps
Dates Volunteers Needed: period needed from 6 months to a year
Comments: Volunteers that speak both English and Arabic preferred

International Summer Work Camp in Nablus 2008


International Summer Work Camp in Palestine

14th – 30th June 2008

At Zajel Youth Exchange Program

Public Relations Department

An-Najah National University


“Hope For Tomorrow”

“Recognizing that the child, for the full and harmonious development of his or her personality, should grow up in a family environment, in an atmosphere of happiness, love and understanding”

UN Convention on the Rights of the Child

Zajel Youth Exchange of the Public Relations Department at An-Najah National University is pleased to invite youth and adults up to 35, to take part in the “Hope for Tomorrow” summer work camp. This project has been designed to provide international students and professionals the opportunity to meet and discuss the Middle East conflict, share ideas, enhance practical skills, foster relationships, and give assistance to members of the Palestinian community.

The international summer work camp, “Hope for Tomorrow”, will bring together 25 young people from around the world who are interested in helping create a better world. We are specifically targeting people who are working with organizations led by young people that address humanitarian issues and social justice. We strongly encourage highly motivated and serious young men and women to apply.

Zajel is a youth exchange programme that was established by An-Najah National University in 2001. Hope for Tomorrow is one of Zajel’s promising projects and will offer the opportunity for international volunteers to work with, and provide support for Palestinian refugee children, and to experience life in one of the Palestinian refugee camps, which unfortunately are home to many people in Palestine.

Zajel International Voluntary Work Camp

The work camp will be a challenging three weeks. The participants will have the chance to discuss relevant issues in the world and particularly Palestine. They will visit historically significant sites and refugee camps, and create a positive and real impact in our community through a variety of activities related to Social Youth Development. Living and working together in Nablus, the participants will gain a better understanding of themselves, Palestinian social/political questions, the world around them and the continuing Palestinian struggle for freedom.

The work camp will be a place where people of all races, ideologies, and nationalities live and work together on a project organized by a local host for around three weeks. The work camp will consist of 25 participants, who volunteer, socialize and work with the local people. The international summer work camp is run by young people for young people.

The program consists of:

Voluntary Work:

There are a number of different forms of work that volunteers can participate in, which will be based in one of the refugee camps in the city of Nablus. The work program has been designed to best suit the needs of the people (Kids) living in such hard places, as well as to effectively utilise the talents we anticipate volunteers will bring from abroad. The work will be divided into the following sections:

Counselling and Psychological Support:

The Counselling and Psychological Support Program organizes sessions for both groups and individuals to provide support and counselling for the refugee community. The occupation and the frequent military invasions into the camp have caused tremendous psychological damage, especially for young children. Hope for Tomorrow will assist this program in a number of ways, performing roles that do not require specialist training. This will include organizing and supervising educational and recreational activities for children to help them relax. It is of fundamental importance to give the children some time to act, think, play and feel like children should. Any recommended activity that might be useful in this regard is more than welcomed. We hope the international volunteers will initiate and conduct new methods that will assist the local volunteers in running this project.

Providing assistance in counseling and psychological support is one of the most important aspects of the work camp and a great deal of attention has been put into this area. Although volunteers will have a professional working with them all the time, they must nevertheless be prepared. This part of the work camp promotes self-confidence and psychological release whereby group activities and games involving cooperation, music and drawing are often used to achieve this. International volunteers often find these activities the most enjoyable.


We encourage some of the more athletic volunteers to help supervise sporting activities at the camp for children aged 10 – 12 years old. Normally the children play games such as football, volleyball and martial arts. International volunteers will help in organizing matches and also directly participate. What more can we say, sport is what kids love and often do best. Games can vary from football which is very popular, to rope jumping or even tug-o-war. For this part of the work camp don’t worry about supplies. Just pack up your gym shoes, cap and hope you’ll keep up.


A number of workshops have been organized to allow children to develop their creative talents through art. The arts program involves teaching kids how to make art objects out of common items like bottles, rocks and plastic glasses. Other activities run by volunteers have included face painting, drawing, and painting on rocks, sculpture, hand prints and lots more.

The idea behind this project is to let kids have fun and be creative. Galleries were organized to encourage the children to exhibit their work. International volunteers will work alongside the local volunteers to prepare the galleries for the end of the work camp. We encourage volunteers to think ahead of time about activities that would be both useful and fun for the local youth.


The drama workshop has been shown to be an effective tool for encouraging self-expression and psychological release in which the supervisors help the children explore their creativity and interests.

Drama helps build self-confidence and develops children’s communication to better enable them to interact with their social environment. It provides them with a greater feeling of personal security, reveals a variety of talents and makes them more creative in their everyday life. International volunteers are encouraged to share their skills in the production of plays with local young boys and girls. Bring with you short stories that could be performed as plays, and that can be understood by people who have limited English.

Working with the Disabled:

Working with disabled kids and organizing activities for them is one of the most vital programmes for children who are in need of special consideration and treatment. International volunteers can participate in painting, dancing, playing instruments and encouraging kids to smile. Any suggestions for games are welcomed. Due to the special circumstances of the disabled youth we both encourage and are in need of volunteers with specialized experience when it comes to working with the disabled.


We will have a special corner dedicated to creating murals and wall paintings in order to revitalize the city, which has become dominated by destruction and an atmosphere of death after seven years of conflict. For each of the last three years, we have created a new mural which is totally the creation of the international volunteer’s ideas and their brainstorming. Kids often help and come up with many good ideas that are often added to the “masterpiece,” the mural brings joy to the kids and takes their minds off the current situation that surrounds them. These murals are the result of team work and two things are certain when it comes to murals, they never end up the way they were originally intended and you always end up with a very colorful shirt!

Cultural Activities

The study part of the work camp takes the form of study tours and other cultural activities. The workshops are closely related to the interests and needs of the local youth. There are lectures on history, religion, gender roles, refugees, and youth itself, which provide an insight into different cultures. To create interaction amongst peers, the workshops include role-play and other similar activities. International volunteers will visit local community associations for women and youth, cultural clubs and forums as well as share activities with them. Traditional Palestinian dance (Dabka) is very popular amongst the youth. We encourage the international volunteers to participate with the youth as well as give lessons on other traditional forms of dance related to their home countries. We also encourage the local volunteers to assist the youth by helping bridge the language gap between the participants.

During the weekends the activities of the work camp will focus on cultural matters. The group will visit places of historical interest in the Nablus area. The volunteers and the locals will prepare for these activities during the work camp.


Daily entertainment activities are important for the recreation of the volunteers. These are important because they help the volunteers to relax and prepare for the following days work. Also, Palestine is more than just a conflict zone, and it is important for the volunteers to see the beautiful and fun sides of Palestinian culture. The entertainment varies from night to night. It will include visits to coffee shops, the Turkish bath, oriental nights, visits to local families, and games. Your ideas are welcome!!

Goals of Zajel:

1. International and Local Understanding – To develop awareness of issues and problems facing the Palestinian youth, and to enlarge and clarify their perspective of themselves as active participants in Palestinian history and culture.

2. Solidarity – Local Palestinians are in serious need to be encouraged and cheered up by the international volunteers who will come and take part in shaping the present and the promising future.

3. Cultural Understanding – To develop individuals with a broader comprehension of the differences amongst cultures and to empower them to accept and deal with diverse opinions, customs and religions.

4. Social Development – To impact our local community in its most diverse spheres such as education, health, and peace promotion.


14th – 30th June 2008

Fee: US$ 200

The fee includes:

· Food & Accommodation

· Local transportation

· Administrative cost


The vision of Hope for Tomorrow is to help improve the lives of children in the Askar refugee camp by organizing and supervising activities that are both educational and recreational. This is especially important during the summer months when they are not in school, and have little to do and have no other outlets for their time and energy. We try to provide as many positive options as we can in a very negative situation.


Zajel Youth Exchange Program (Zajel means “dove”) is an official educational program at the Public Relations Department of An-Najah National University in Nablus, Palestine

An-Najah National University is one of the universities in Palestine, founded in 1977. Students come from different regions of Palestine, in search of knowledge and education. Furthermore, the university focuses on the active and responsible participation of the students in community life. All students are strongly encouraged to perform volunteer work for the university or for the community.

Zajel Youth Exchange Program offers the opportunity for local students to participate in work camps and other international exchanges in order to experience intercultural dialogue.

The number of participants desired is about 25 international and 15 local volunteers. We intend to have a gender-balanced work camp. One well trained local volunteer will take the responsibility of leading the work camp.

Don’t hesitate to contact us for the info sheet and the application form.

Sincerely yours,
Alaa Yousef/ Coordinator
Zajel Youth Exchange Program
Public Relations Department
An-Najah National University
Nablus, Palestine and

Umut Projesi: Barış ve Eğitim için İnsani Fırsatlar

Filistin’de Gönüllü Çalışma Programı

Programın Süresi: 2-4 hafta, 5-8 hafta, 9-12 hafta ve 3-6 ay
Programın Ortalama Süresi: 5-8 hafta
Tarihler: Yıl boyunca

Tanım: Bu program, Filistinli çocuk ve gençlerle çalışan Project Hope bünyesinde bir gönüllü çalışma fırsatıdır. Senenin dönemine göre değişen çeşitli programlar mevcuttur. Sanat programlarının yanı sıra İkinci Dil Olarak İngilizce ve Fransızca yıl boyunca süren öncelikli programlardır.

Aranan Özellikler: Öncelikle ana dili İngilizce ve Fransızca olanlar, sanatçılar ve meslek becerisine sahip kişilerle ilgileniyoruz. 18 yaşından küçük gönüllüleri kabul etmiyoruz. Emeklilerin başvurmasından memnuniyet duyarız. Bir özgeçmiş ve başvuru formundan oluşan tüm başvuruları değerlendirmeye alıp kabul edilmeniz durumunda sizi en uygun programa yerleştireceğiz.

Diller :
• İngilizce

Fiyat $: Aylık 70 dolar

Fiyata dahil olanlar :
• Yerleşim

Fiyat Hakkında Açıklama:
Fiyat şartlara göre biraz değişiklik gösterebilir. Başvuru sırasında görevli kişilerden bilgi alabilirsiniz. Bu ücret sadece gönüllülerin yerleşim masraflarının bir kısmını karşılamayı amaçlamaktadır. Gönüllüler diğer tüm günlük gider ve seyahat masraflarından sorumludur. Filisitin’de yaşamak için gerekli miktar oldukça azdır.

Deneyim: Aranmıyor

Gönüllü Çeşitleri:

• akademik destek
• sanat
• çocuk bakımı/çocuklar
• sosyal merkezler
• toplumsal gelişim
• toplumsal örgütlenme
• kültür
• müfredat planlama
• drama
• eğitim
• İngilizce öğretmenliği
• mikrokredi
• örgütsel gelişim
• resim
• mültecilere yardım
• yardım
• sosyal hizmetler, sosyal çalışma
• öğretmenlik
• çeviri
• gönüllülük
• kadınlar
• yazma
• gençler
• gençlerin gelişimi

Genel Hatlarıyla Gönüllülük: Gönüllüler dünyanın her yerinden gelen birçok farklı etnik, dini, kültürel ve düşünsel altyapıya sahip kişilerden oluşmaktadır. Gönüllülerin büyük bir kısmı üniversite öğrencisi veya yeni mezundur. İşlerine ara verip gelenlerin yanı sıra emekli gönüllüler de mevcuttur.

Yaş Aralığı: 18 +

Bu program, dünyanın her yerinden gelen katılımcılara açıktır. Program, bireysel başvurulara olduğu gibi çiftlerin katılımına da açıktır.

Tipik Yaşam Koşulları:
• Apartman dairesi
• Grup

Katılımcıların Filistin içinde seyahati Serbest

Katılımcıların Tipik Çalışma Şekli Serbest

Başvuru Süreci Aşamaları:

• Mümkünse yüzyüze mülakat
• Telefon mülakatı
• Özgeçmiş
• Yazılı Başvuru

Project Hope’un (Humanitarian Opportunities for Peace and Education – Barış ve Eğitim için İnsani Fırsatlar) Misyonu: Project Hope, amacı Orta Doğu’da savaştan etkilenen çocuklara katılımcı eğitim alanları sağlamak olan, kar amacı gütmeyen gönüllü bir kuruluştur. Uluslararası İnsani Hukuk ve Çocuk Hakları Anlaşması’na bağlı olan kuruluşun hedefi, temel hizmetlerden yoksun çocuklara, eğitim ve eğlence faaliyetleri, tıbbi ve insani yardım, ve gelecek için onları güçlü kılacak umut ve yeteneği kazandıracak pratik eğitimler sağlayarak destek olmaktır. Bu amaçlarımıza, cinsiyet ayrımcılığından kaçınarak çocukları korumaya yönelik, etkin, verimli, güvenilir ve katılımcı bir yaklaşımla ulaşmayı hedefliyoruz.

Kuruluş Yılı: 2003

Project Hope: Humanitarian Opportunities for Peace and Education (Barış ve Eğitim için İnsani Fırsatlar)

110 Cumberland St, Suite 237
Toronto, Ontario M5R 3V5

Telefon: +1 416 879 8939

Kayıt Formu:

Çeviren: Aslıhan Kış, Bilgi Üniversitesi Kültürel İncelemeler Yüksek Lisans Programı Öğrencisi

Nablus Zajel Yaz Kampından Haberler…

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